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Authors Dedication

I : A Social Gathering

II : Crisostomo Ibarra

III : The Dinner

IV : Heretic and Filibuster

V : A Star in a Dark Night

VI : Capitan Tiago

VII : An Idyl on an Azotea

VIII : Recollections

IX : Local Affairs

X : The Town

XI : The Rulers

XII : All Saints

XIII : Signs of Storm

XIV : Tasio: Lunatic or Sage

IV : The Sacristans

XVI : Sisa

XVII : Basilio

XVIII : Souls In Torment

XIX : A Schoolmasters Difficulties

XX : The Meeting in the Town Hall

XXI : The Story of a Mother

XXII : Lights and Shadows

XXIII : Fishing

XXIV : In the Wood

XXV : In the House of the Sage

XXVI : The Eve of the Fiesta

XXVII : In the Twilight

XXVIII : Correspondence

XXIX : The Morning

XXX : In the Church

XXXI : The Sermon

XXXII : The Derrick

XXXIII : Free Thought

XXXIV : The Dinner

XXXV : Comments

XXXVI : The First Cloud

XXXVII : His Excellency

XXXVIII : The Procession

XXXIX : Dona Consolacion

XL : Right and Might

XLI : Two Visits

XLII : The Espadanas

XLIII : Plans

XLIV : An Examination of Conscience

XLV : The Hunted

XLVI : The Cockpit

XLVII : The Two Senoras

XLVIII : The Enigma

XLIX : The Voice of the Hunted

L : Eliass Story

LI : Exchanges

LII : The Cards of the Dead and the Shadows

LIII : Il Buon Di Si Conosce Da Mattina

LIV : Revelations

LV : The Catastrophe

LVI : Rumors and Belief

LVII : Vae Victis!

LVIII : The Accursed

LIX : Patriotism and Private Interests

LX : Maria Clara Weds

LXI : The Chase on the Lake

LXII : Padre Damaso Explains

LXIII : Christmas Eve



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