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I. Triangular Friendship
II. Poker Talk
III. Has He a Wife?
IV. A Trinity Ball
V. Marjorie
VI. Two in Arcadia
VII. On the Brink of a Flirtation
VIII. Cross-stitch
IX. Half Way towards Little Go
X. They say??
XI. Dodos Despair
XII. Yellow-backed Novels
XIII. Through Smoke-coloured Spectacles
XIV. Brought up by the Jesuits
XV. A Love-letter
XVI. A Rash Resolve
XVII. The First Crumpled Rose-leaf
XVIII. How Dinah said Yes
XIX. Gaston Arbuthnots Philosophy
XX. James Lees Wife
XXI. Is my Virgil Passable?
XXII. Linda as an Art Critic
XXIII. A Swagger and a Sword
XXIV. Rex Basires Humour
XXV. You?and I!
XXVI. Cut and Thrust
XXVII. Growing old Gracefully
XXVIII. For Auld Lang Syne
XXIX. Missing
XXX. Linda warms to her Part
XXXI. Wife and Husband
XXXII. Rose-water Socialism
XXXIII. Close to Port
XXXIV. Dead Rose Petals
XXXV. A Traitress
XXXVI. The Last of Arcadia
XXXVII. A Stone for Bread
XXXVIII. Temptation
XXXIX. That Little Divinity
XL. At the Bungalow
XLI. One Word
XLII. Emancipation
XLIII. Geoffrey calls to be paid
XLIV. Kismet
XLV. Labelled and Corded
XLVI. A Bye-term Man
XLVII. Beside the Cradle
XLVIII. Happiness
XLIX. From Dinahs Hand