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å ع ڽ å ٸ ̺ ̶ ֱ⸦ ٶ鼭 ° , ̴. ׷ٸ ״ å ? ִ ǰ ٶ ̴. Ҿ 米 ӿ ȭ ߽ ̱⸦ ٶ ̴. ع , 翡 ū ɰ ִ ۰ ڷ ġ , , 氡 , ̸ پ ƿ츣 å ߴ. Ҿ پ ִµ ݾ ĸ ڰ ִ. ׸ŭ дٽ װ ڽ κ ׳ ġ . ׷ ߽ɸϰ å ٷ ִ ź ̴.


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մϴ Acknowledgements
å Ұմϴ Introduction

chapter 1 츮 ִ The amazingglobe we live on
1 The world
2 World religions
3 ī Africa
4 Antarctica
5 ƽþ Asia
6 Ʈþ / ƴϾ Australasia/Oceania
7 Europe
8 ϾƸ޸ī North America
9 Ƹ޸ī South America

chapter 2 츮 Բ ִ ڿThe natural order of things we share the globe with
1 ؾ Things that swim
2 Flying things
3 Creatures of the land
4 ī ߻ Wildlife of Africa
5 ƽþ ߻ Wildlife of Asia
6 Ʈƽþƿ ƴϾ ߻ Wildlife of Australasia & Oceania
7 Ƹ޸ī ߻ Wildlife of the Americas
8 ߻ Wildlife of Europe
9 Ĺ Stuff that grows

chapter 3 ? What happened even before history
1 getting started
2 ߻ ? ô
3 Paleogene period
chapter 4 ô ־? What happened during history
1. Long-time-ago history, 3600BCE~500CE
2 ߼ The middle bit of history, 500~1500
3 (Bringing history up to date, 1500~)
4 (British history)
5 (Positive history)

chapter 5
ȭ A bit of culture
1 Literature
2 Music
3 ̼ Art
4 ȭ Film and theatre
5 ڷ Television and radio
6 ε Celebrities
7 İ Food and drink
8 м Fashion
9 Ҽ ̵ ͳ Social media and online shopping

chapter 6
Ӹ Things that do your head in
1 Science
2 Physics
3 ȭ Chemistry
4 а Biology and medicine
5 Mathematics
6 Technology
7 ġ Politics
8 Banking

chapter 7
ƹ ̽ To boldly go
1 The universe
2 õڵ Great astronomers
3 Ž The exploration of space
4 ʸӷ To Infinity and Beyond

chapter 8
This sporting world
1 ø Olympic
2 ౸ Football stuff
3 Ϲ North American stuff
4 ״Ͻ Tennis
5 ũ Cricket
6 Rugby
7 Ŭ Cycling
8 Running
9 ġ Quidditch
10 ǵ

å մϴ Conclusion


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  • 8
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2

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