ﷷ η !
ٱ濡 ̿ ָӴϿ ȭ ̾߱⸦ , 忡 ɽĻ ̷ ̾߱ , ӵ ϰ, ȭ , ῡ ̵ TV ûϰ δ ٻ ܽĵ ϰ, Ͽ ȭ ģ ٵ ... ̷ ϵ 츮 ư ϻȰ ̴. ٸ ̷ ϻȰ ϵ ڽ ְ .
ǫǫ ±!(What a sizzler!), ?(Does it look like rain?), ̴ϴ.(You'd better take an umbrella.), ̺ ̽ôµ.(You look younger than your age.), Ѱ ð Ͻʴϱ?(What do you do in your spare time?), Ͽ Ϸ TV .(I'm a couch potato on the weekends.), ó.(We're in the same boat.), ھ ?(What's the score now?), 2 ־.(They are losing by two runs.), ˼ ݸ ٷ ֽðھ?(I'm sorry, but would you mind waiting?), !(You're kidding!), ̺, Ļ Բ ҷ?(Say, Bob, would you like to join us for dinner?)
ǥ ұ ϴ !! ƴ ̻ ﷷ 翬 ̴. ܱ ġ ɼϴٸ װ ̻ ƴұ? ϰ ūҸ ͺ. ݵ ﷷ غ ̴.