ﷷ η !
ٱ濡 ̿ ָӴϿ ȭ ̾߱⸦ , 忡 ɽĻ ̷ ̾߱ , ӵ ϰ, ȭ , ῡ ̵ TV ûϰ δ ٻ ܽĵ ϰ, Ͽ ȭ ģ ٵ ... ̷ ϵ 츮 ư ϻȰ ̴. ٸ ̷ ϻȰ ϵ ڽ ְ .
ȭ ϴ±.(It makes my blood boil.), ġھ.(You drive me crazy.), !(Get a hold of yourself!), ƴ ɷ .(Don't let little things get to you.), ð ־?(Are you free?), ٸ ôٸ, ˰ ͽϴ.(I would like to meet you today, if you do not have any other appointments.), ?(Where shall we meet?), ð Ͻðھ?(What time is the most convenient for you?), Ļ翡 ʴϰ .(I'd like to invite you to dinner.), . ó ְŵ.(I'd love to come, but I can't. I'm up to my ears in work.), Ծ ɱ?(Can I try this pants on?), ̰ γ. ٸ ּ.(I don't like this. Please show me another.), ģ Ȱ ΰ .(My friend bought the same thing at a better price.), ٵ ּ.(I just want a trim.), ɱ?(Can I ask you for direction?), ?(Where is the bus stop?), ôٰ .(Go straight ahead and turn left.)
ǥ ұ ϴ !! ƴ ̻ ﷷ 翬 ̴. ܱ ġ ɼϴٸ װ ̻ ƴұ? ϰ ūҸ ͺ. ݵ ﷷ غ ̴.